Monday, August 02, 2010

Final Project

I decided to post my project just as Barrel Monkey has. I hope everyone posts theirs as well. I would really like to see everyone's work. I wanted to use background gradations but I have no printer and I did not want to print anything. everything is made from scratch. I tried doing the gradation with charcoal but it was not working for me. I was going to try ink and/or paints but I just decided to do as is.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Journal Entry Number Twenty

The stage was set for the leader of our nation to address the people. There was so much build as to what our leader was going to address.

Those in the entertainment community were deeply hoping for the pardon of one of their own. But the anxiety was so substantial they did not expect such a result.

Some politicians were expecting the leader to take a stance on an issue that has recently arose in the desert southwest. Would this effect the nations melting pot identity and ruin the face of a nation that has withstood so many racial issues since its inception?

Will he express some concern for the future of an environmental clean up that has plagued the nation? The world is being defaced at the hands of man.

The world sits and waits, as the leader of our nation is about to take the podium, which we will hear after these messages. Tonight's program is brought to you by...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Journal Entry Number Nineteen

I think advertisers use sex as a weapon to sell. We all know that this is common. But I think that the myth behind a product is that it makes you more sexy or wanted by others. I see it is too blatant and our society is so inept to forge forward and believe what they are tuned into buying and make it an important part of who they are as a person. I think sex is denotative but the jeans are the connotative part of it. It is presumed since the ad is a Levi's ad. The tag line is also denotation about sex and it fits aligned with the image. For many people out there, it probably did work. I myself would not buy just because of this ad.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Journal Entry Number Eighteen

Although the star in the picture is adorned in red, and the background is a dull beige to dark brown, they're both offset by the main attracting color, white, this bursts as milk from the glass. It immediate draws the viewer to the large typelogo, "Got Milk?", this message is precise. I think the cohesion here is so familiar to most that it makes the viewer understand immediately that this campaign is obvious. So the next glimpse would be to her as the model who supports milk and then the tagline for her is, Smash hit by Hayden. Body by milk, this message is concise. These elements alone do the job in the eyes of Jefkin. But she also has a quote there and I think people do continue reading because the rest of the type is too familiar.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Journal Entry Number Fifteen

This image tells me he is in rage. His country is attacked and pretty much taken over by the US. He has some rage. It is connotative, considering you'd have to know the history of the US and mideastern clashes. Denotative would be someone just screaming in rage or doing something physical to something.

There is a certain order that CSS code has to be written with, order in the use of rules, selectors, declarations, properties, and attributes. It has to be connotative. Something that might be denotative is something like an image of a Navajo word and the equal sign with the English definition.

I think the image of the gavel is a denotative sign of justice. I think someone behind bars would fit denotative too.

I see this image as evil. I think it can be seen as denotative but connotative if it was in some other cultures. It could be seen as some representation such as Lucifer. It could also just mean a snake man.

This was the word, death, that came to mind when I thought of peace. I say it is connotative. Denotative would be people happy wearing peace symbols, floral clothing, waving peace signs.

For God I thought of clouds and come celestial lights beaming from them, hahahah. I think connotative. If there was a prophet that was known to be able to speak to God somewhere in the picture it could be denotative.

This came to mind as history, I thought of how things were recorded throughout time on earth and how we research what happened before our own history/time on earth. It is connotative. I think a book would be denotative, whether is had the word history on it or maybe some other aspect of history, such as a culture, era, country.

I seen this image for pain. I imagined loss of family and the mourning that follows. I think it could be denotative but it would mostly be seen as sad or depression. So for me it is connotative.

This image is a group of Scientist with J. Robert Oppenheimer, lead scientist of the Manhattan Project. I think it is connotative and I think that all scientist are smart.

Journal Entry Number Seventeen

This design is sleek and made with soft colors that invite the reader. The simple use of the eco looking light green teamed with the light grey as the logo is inviting. I think the repetitive use of the grey as the copy color is a smooth contrast between the green and the white. The image of a collage of food keeps the reader engaged and wanting more because of it deliciously colorful composition. Once again the color scheme is monochromatic. I think this ad is good for business.

This ad uses three common colors, or lack of color for white. But the inks used in this color process creates black and red. The entire black background creates a mythology and lack of certainty. I think it reacts with the newspaper clippings in the type the the title, THE WIRE, and creates a common concept of whether these stories are true or false, or an act of conspiracy. The Title catches my attention but the hierarchy of info immediately sends me to the tagline in red under the title. And the rhythmic light to red sequence guides me through the rest of the ad. I guess it is monochromatic since the red would either go to white or black. Good ad.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Journal Entry Number Sixteen

I think this agency kept their mark very simple and literal. I am thinking that this was made in house. The color scheme here is environmental and they used obvious colors as would be most recognized for each element, water, grassland, tree, rolling hills, mountains, snow, and sky. I believe this mark would be used for things like road signs, maps, attire or official uniforms. The lines used to create the forms is basic and enclose each color well. It is well-balanced and has a horizontal symmetry to border the marks elements.

The new redesign is a pretty risky twist on the original. They kept the red color, this keeps customers familiar with the business since their first mark was red. I think the use of red just induces excitement to come and eat. I think they want to attract a newer customer base by having the mark look more modern, by adding a more darker red to one side creates dimension , they also used or developed more modern typefaces. The K has a smile to garner themselves as satisfactory to their customers. The lowercase "in the box" is also more of a modern design style.

This logo is monochromatic as the above. It incorporates the light orange with the dominant orange. These two colors create dimension as well. It is a modern logo, with the embedded modern style typeface. The color according to the lectures creativity, invigoration, uniqueness, energy, vibrancy, and activity. I think this kind of motive can account for all ages to join this companies clientele. It is easy on the eyes. I think this color scheme is a very modern set that invites younger folks easier.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Journal Entry Number Twelve through Fourteen

The design is trying to get customers to eat at their restaurant. I think the picture of the food is great way to entice a viewer. The red and white text are great contrasts against the black background. And they match the logo. I think the red stripe on the bottom helps the design remain balanced. One thing that I don't like is the use of so many typefaces. It makes it look unprofessional? The 'check out out new' font is too thin as well and makes it hard to read.

This ad is well balanced. The color scheme is simple and works well. It is informational and I think it tells exactly what needs to be said. I think it works well for its purpose.

This ad is similar to the one above. The colors work good. They tell me beer. I like the photo used. It is funny. The humor also says chill and have some beer. It is good.