Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Journal Entry Number Eight

These images' color attracted me first. I like the black and white simply because it filters out everything but the raw feelings. The other images carry signs of danger and caution. I feel that multi-color symbolism makes them create a system of the feelings, like be careful or else feel the anguish of dealing with me. The couple it seems is out of cohesion and at any moment one of the people could burst with anger.

These somber colors create a cold feeling, like emptiness is present and there is no way out. They all seem to have a stare that is empty and they are hoping for some comfort.

Visually I seen these four images illustrated joy. I integrated the two photos on the left because they were both symmetric and exhumed happiness and joy in similar ways, the act of being free and afloat brought energy that can be achieved through joy. The two on the right just reminded me that being free to express your joy however you feel is a reason to sing or dance.

This is for uninspired

These images got me thinking about the emptiness of being scared and not being able to achieve relief. The top left image's eyes have a stark contrast to the face that immediately functions as the initial feeling of being scared. From that image you are led into the panda. It is rhythmic. I think the black and white image in the lower left creates an exit. It feels like there is no ending and you are left lost and fading.

1 comment:

kimberly melhus said...

I enjoyed how you've collaged these together. Great job!